Be a Nonsmoker Now ™

Lynn's services are covered by many health benefits plans; check with your provider to determine the coverage for working with a registered professional therapist or counselor.

Smoking can be more than a habit. It can be an addiction that exposes you, and those around you, to the risk of life-threatening conditions. Quitting smoking can be extremely difficult for some people.  This is because this addiction involves both physical and behavioral elements. You may use cigarettes as a way of feeling more comfortable in social situations. Or as a substitute for junk food or even alcohol. 

Hypnosis is best used as a tool to stop smoking when there is a strong motivation and commitment to become a non-smoker. The Be a Non-Smoker Now Program consists of important steps that are required to ensure the greatest degree of success. Our initial visit consists of an assessment of your past successes and setbacks, unique triggers, cravings and motivations; these are then woven into the hypnosis session in the first session! Hypnosis is best used as a tool to stop smoking when there is a strong motivation and commitment to become a non-smoker. Prior to the first visit, clients are asked to set a date to stop smoking and to discard all cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters. It is helpful to inform your support network of family and friends of the stop smoking date and to mark it on a calendar. Normally, 1-2 sessions are required to assess each individual's unique motivations to stop smoking since everyone's journey and relationship to cigarettes is unique.

A new behavior becomes stronger with repetition. Our subconscious mind is a lot like our muscles. The more we use them in a focused, goal-directed way, the stronger they become. Entering into a deeper hypnotic trance state becomes more effortless and more powerful with repetition and practice. For that reason Lynn recommends listening to the hypnosis recording several times a week to maximize success with positive changes until you are a confident non-smoker!


It should be noted that each person’s experience is unique and for some hypnosis is 100% successful the very first time. Normally one session is required to assess each person's triggers and motivations to permanently stop smoking; this is then incorporated into the hypnosis session during the same session.

If you smoke over a pack a day, and have smoked most of your life, a reinforcer may be required. This would include a recording of the hypnosis session onto your phone for you to listen to on a regular basis. Remember, the subconscious is like a muscle. The more you access and harness it, the stronger it grows. 

This is not a “one size fits all” approach to stopping smoking. Each person’s unique circumstances and relationship to nicotine will be incorporated into the hypnosis session in order to maximize SUCCESS as a Permanent Non-Smoker!

When you schedule a 1.5 hour session or 2x 1-hour sessions, you will also receive a personalized hypnosis recording that will address your own unique stressors and emotional blocks that have created the nicotine addiction.

Whatever your reason for wanting to quit, if you’ve tried before, with no success, please give me a call at (403) 237-9045.  I strongly believe hypnosis will help you to overcome this addiction.

Below, are three testimonials from former clients who came to see me to treat their smoking habits:

Hello Lynn,

Not sure if your still at this email but if so wanted to share this with you.  Below is my Quit Smoking Mileage.  Thanks to you and my brother of course. :-) 2 years last Sunday.  :-) and I shall add proud of myself.

— Danielle B*****

My Mileage 
Smoke-Free Days: 740 
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 5,180 
Amount Saved: $2,227.40 
Life Gained: 
Days: 101 Hrs: 23 Mins: 43 Seconds: 8

Hi there,
Just a note to let you know how I have been. As you know I WAS a pack a day smoker for 35+ years. That is until my appt. with you on September 7/17. I have not smoked since and more importantly have lost 5 pounds. That does not sound like much but when I’ve tried to quit on my own, in the past, I would have put on 15 pounds in the first week. I had the follow up with you before I left Calgary on Sept. 14/17, that only enhanced my belief that I was truly a non-smoker. Lynn, thanks so much for all your help and may God bless.

Ken S****
Terrace, BC

Just wanted to thank you and let you know that it has been one year since I last saw you and went under hypnosis for my smoking. After smoking for 40 years and quitting several times , I must say I was a bit apprehensive that hypnosis would work. As you know my Dad passed away the following week and I didn’t go back smoking. I really believe it was the hypnosis that kept me from starting again as I have used the patch several times in therapist and would take it off and have a cigarette. Today marks one year exactly and I am still smoke free.
Thanks again Lynn and have a great day. — Karen

Dear Lynn,

I just wanted to offer my heartfelt thank you for your role in my quitting smoking. After one session of hypnosis with you I was able to throw away the remaining package of cigarettes I had and haven't had any since. It has been almost a year and a half since I have been smoke free. In that year and a half there have been some emotional challenges that were life altering to me and still I never reverted back to being a smoker. I know in my heart of hearts never will I be one again.

I highly recommend your smoking cessation method to anyone who needs help freeing themselves of such an addictive habit.

Again, my thanks to you.

Warm regards,

Get Started

Call Lynn at (403) 237-9045 to book an appointment or visit her Contact page to find out more. Lynn's services are covered by many health benefits plans; check with your provider to determine the coverage for working with a professional therapist or counselor.

You can find out more about hypnotherapy by reading Lynn's Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis and about the success of EMDR in Frequently Asked Questions about EMDR